martes, 25 de agosto de 2020

Using websites



Age group17 years old
Language level: intermediate
Topic: Recycling
Objectives: The students will have to write a report out of a collection of research about recycling.
Number of students: 18
Duration: 80 minutes each lesson
Physical location: Computer lab

Lesson plan 1

○ Warmer    

At the beginning the teacher will ask some trigger questions to the students, such as;
What do you know about recycling?
       • Do you recycle? How?
       Why do we have to recycle?
       • Do you know friends or people in your neighborhood who recycle?       

○ Web
After the discussion the teacher will provide the students the link to the different websites in order to do some research. They will have to write down which are the most important ideas for them about recycling.

Guiding questions:

• What is recycling?
• How can we recycle?
• Elements that can be recycled                                     
• Why is recycling so important?

They will use the following links

Students will have to look up the meaning of the words that they don't know and write at least two examples. They will use online dictionaries.

Students will work on the new vocabulary solving the following activity.

○ What’s next

After having done some research, the students will be divided into groups of four.

Group 1 : What is recycling?
Group 2: Why should we recycle?
Group 3: How can you recycle?
Group 4: Items that can be recycled.

The different groups will prepare a poster that they will stick on the school board.

Lesson 2

○ Warmer

The teacher will start the lesson asking the students if during that week they started to recycle, how they did it, how they felt about it and what changes they have seen in their daily lives. The teacher will share her own experience, too.

○ Web

The teacher will ask the students to do more research on recycling and select information that will be useful for them to write a report.

Guiding questions:

• What can the school do to promote recycling?
• Think about ways which help to engage people in recycling.

They will use some of the following links:

In compliance with grammar, students will revise modal verbs. They will have to solve the following activity and then apply this grammar topic on the report.

○ What’s next

The students will gather all the information they have read and collected, and display it on a report about recycling. They will be divided in the same groups they have formed the previous class, they will have to write about what is recycling, what materials can be recycled, how everyone can collaborate to recycle and its benefits. 







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