Internet Based Projects
Reasons to work with Internet based projects
○ They are structured in a way for teachers to begin to incorporate the internet into the language classroom.
○ Encourage cooperative learning since it stimulates interaction.
○ Encourage crtical thinking skills
○ Wide range of possibilities from making posters to a high - level investigation work.
○ Teacher or learner made
Steps to follow
○ Choose the project topic
○ Make the task clear
○ Find the resources
○ Decide the outcome
What is a webquest?
Webquests are mini-projects and inquiry-oriented activities in which a large percentage of input and material is supplied from the internet.
The teacher recommends and prorvides different websites so that the students can get the majority of the information from the internet
There are two types of webquests:
Short term webquest:
• Involve one or two lessons.
• Students don't make any kind of product.
• Students will grappled a significant amount of information and make senseof ti
Long term webquest:
Students will analyse a body of knowledge,transform it and create a new product,such as a report, presentation, interview.
Step 1- Introduction: ○ Provide background information related to the topic
○ Introduce key vocabulary, concepts
Setp 2- Task: ○ Explain to the students what they have to do.
○ Clear instructions
○ Tell the students what the final product will be
Step 3- Process: ○ Guide students throguh activities andresearch tasks
○ Use predefined resources
Step 4- Evaluation: ○ May involve self- evaluation, comparing and contrasting with other students.
○ Give feedback in what they feel they have learnt
○ Rubrics
○Self- assessment
Creation of webquests
In order to create a webquest is necessary to have developed certain skills such as, research,critical eye, being able to use word processing.
My webquest
Here is my webquest on "Recycling"
○ Dudeney & Hockley (2007) How to Teach English with Technology