lunes, 19 de octubre de 2020

Lesson plan

 Original lesson plan

School: Public school, fifth grade.

Trainee Teacher: Elizabet Gonzalez

Date: 29/05/2020

Time allotted: 80 minutes 

Textbook: Winners 2, unit 3.

Communicative Goal: Expressing what other people don’t eat and drink.

Grammar Focus: present simple, third person singular,
negative  form: SHE/HE/IT + DOESN’T  + EAT/ DRINK + food/fruits/drinks. 

Vocabulary Focus: eat vs drink; water, coffee, soft drinks.

Recycled Language: food, fruit, vegetables, likes and dislikes.

Classroom Routine
The teacher asks how they are feeling. The students come to the front, pick a picture that describes their mood and stick it on one side of the


Activation (5 min)
The teacher will bring flashcards of food, she will ask the students to pick the flashcard with their favourite food in it, and then say which

is it out loud. She will also ask what food they like.

Comprehension and clarification (25 minutes)

The teacher will deliver this photocopy, and ask for two volunteers to read. Before starting, she will ask “what’s Tom's favourite food?” Then
they will start reading. After they have finished reading, the teacher will ask again the previous question “what’s Tom's favourite food?”,the students will answer,“pizza”.

After that, the teacher will deliver another photocopy with a T/F  activity.

True or false  

  1. Tom hates vegetables. ___

  2. Tom likes pizza. ____

  3. Toby dislikes fruits.  ____

  4. Zendaya likes fruits. ____

Once they have done it, the activity will be corrected orally in order to check comprehension. After that, the teacher will ask the students what they have noticed in the text.

Board synopsis:
1. Zendaya doesn’t drink soft drinks.

2. Tom doesn’t eat hamburgers.

3. Toby doesn’t drink coffee.

4. Tom eats pizza.

- The teacher will ask for a volunteer to help her deliver another photocopy.

Expressing what other people don’t  drink or eat

  •  Zendaya …………….… soft drinks.

  • Tom ………………………. hamburgers. He ……………………. fruits. 


Activity #1:
Type: Pseudo- communicative activity
Focus: Writing/ Grammar
Group scheme: solo
Description The teacher will deliver a photocopy. The students will have to complete the sentences  

Complete the sentences

  1. He ………  eat vegetables   

  1. …….   …………. drink coffee   

  1. Mary ……..…   ………. soft drinks.

  1. It……….. eat………...

Activity #2:

Type: Quasi-communicative activity

Focus: Listening

Group scheme: Pairs

Description The teacher will deliver a photocopy. She will read aloud some sentences  and the students  will have to circle the foods and drinks

that the characters don’t eat or drink. Then they have to share it with the whole class in order to check.The T will read out both affirmative
and negative sentences in a context.

Listen and circle what the characters do not eat.

Activity #3:

Type: fully communicative

Focus: Writing, speaking
Group scheme: Solo/ group

Description The students will write at least four sentences about one member of their family, what he or she doesn’t eat, and then share it with the whole class. While sharing they can get feedback from their peers and not only the teacher. After having done that, they will get into groups and make posters with those sentences and pictures/drawings. Then they will stick them in the classroom. They can compare how many people don’t eat/drink the same food/drinks. Students can find the similarities and differences between their families. 


Tick the sentences that express what these people do not eat or drink.

  1. Maggie doesn’t like vegetables.____

  2. Jackson doesn’t eat hamburgers.____

  3. Derek drinks coffee. ____

  4.  Susan doesn’t eat fruits. ____

  5. Andrew doesn’t drink soft drinks. ____

Lesson Plan enhanced with technology

During the first part of the lesson  the new topic will be introduced, which in this case happens to be "doesn't drink/eat". The last activity of this lesson plan, a fully communicative, will be enhanced with technology since  students have already been in contact with the new item. At this stage they are able to manipulate the language and create content for which technology plays an important role.

Activity #3:

Type: Fully communicative

Focus: Writing, speaking

Group scheme: Pairs

Description: The students, in pairs, will come to an agreement and choose two of their favorite famous living people, one from Argentina and one from another country. They will have to gather some general information about their life, their likes and dislikes and talk about their diets, what they drink and eat and what they don't. Once they have collected all the information,they will be given a tutorial on how to use Padlet and after that learners will create a wall on Padlet and display it in a written way and/or by recording audios. Images and videos will have to be included. The first part of this activity, gathering all the information and watching the tutorial, will be done in class and the second part, creating their presentation on Padlet, will be for homework. The students will be evaluated based on the correct use of the new item that they have learned, their creativity and clear organization of information.


1- In pairs, choose two famous people. One from Argentina, and one from another country.
2- Gather some general information about their lives such as age, where they live, what the do for a living, likes and dislikes. Find out what they eat and drink and what the don't in their daily lives. Prepare a draft on Google Drive.
3- Read the Padlet tutorial.
4- Go to and see if you have any doubt about how it works. 5- Now, for homework, create your wall on padlet with all the information you have gathered. You can use images, videos, recordings.

Theoretical frameworks

The choice of this activity is based on the SAMR Model, which was developed by Ruben Puentedura in 1980, for the analysis of the integration of technology in the classroom. It is a four-step model in which each level focuses on the use and purpose of technology. Here we can observe the modification and redefinition stage of the SAMR model. At the modification level, technology allows for significant task redesign, and with Padlet learners are able to work collaboratively in a synchronous way. At the redefinition, stage technology allows for the creation of tasks that were previously inconceivable. They couldn't have been done without the use of technology. Students are asked to use images, videos, written text, recordings. The combination of these would not be possible without the help of technology.

Also, a connection between this lesson and the local components it contains can be seen, since the learners have to choose a famous person from Argentina,  their country with their own culture. In spite of not being based on a coursebook, there are several connections with what Glocal means, that can be made.

"A Glocal coursebook is an adapted or localized version of a global coursebook that provides a better fit in that it connects the students' world with the world of English." (Gray, 2002)  
Four features from the Local- localised material that can be observed in this lesson.
  • Contextualization: This activity is contextualized in students' reality since they have to choose their favorite famous person from their own country. This activity is personalized since there is an inclusion of local references such as familiar personalities, places, food.

  • Linguistic contrasts: Students will have to look for information in spanish and in English. They have to pay attention to form, meaning, and use of the target language with the information they have found in spanish.

  • Intercultural reflection: At the beginning of this lesson students were presented with a text about foreign people and now they also have to choose people from their own country and a foreign one, so learners are in contact with different cultures.

  • Facilitation of learning: Students will be able to look up information in their mother tongue in order to facilitate their learning and understanding.

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy was developed by Andrew Churches as an extension of the original Bloom's taxonomy, which was developed as a framework to classify statements of what educators expect their students to learn through the process of instruction. It also includes properties that deal with psychological and educational issues.
Bloom's digital taxonomy is the fusion of traditional frameworks and theories with technology in order to enrich the learning experience and engage 21st century learners' curiosity. It creates a hierarchy of learning activities in a digital environment.
Technological tools, such as Padlet in this case, are used as learning objects. These objects are able to promote journal writing, collaboration, real-life problem - based learning.
This lesson, goes from the lower order thinking skill to the higher.

  • Remembering is implied in this lesson since the students will have to remember how to use the structure of likes and dislikes, that was seen in previous lessons, they will put into practice the new item "doesn't drink/eat"  and what they already know in order to make coherent sentences. Learners will have to retrieve the material from the internet. 

  • Understanding because students will have to construct meaning from written material.

  • Applying: Students will use the new content that they have learned and the information gathered to prepare their Padlet presentation.

  • Evaluating: They have to select the information in a critical way for their presentation.

  • Creating: Students will choose how they want their presentation to look like. They will create their own, original, wall on Padlet.

This lesson can also be analized from the point of view of NAPS, which stands for Nucleos de aprendizaje prioritarios. They are the curricular contents which are common to the whole country. They present an intercultural perspective that fosters the acceptance and inclusion of different cultures. 
They are organized in four cycles which are; the first cycle primary, second cycle primary, basic cycle secondary, and oriented cycle secondary. This lessson is situated in the second cycle primary, since it's fifth grade. 
NAPS have an intercultural approach, so they are based around six main points which are; listening comprehension, reading, speaking, writing, reflecting on the foreign language and culture.
Students put into practice their writing, speaking and reading skills. They are able to reflect on their own culture, food and compare it with the foreign one since at the beginning of the class they were presented with an activity which included famous people from another countries and in this activity they also have to choose a foreign person. 

PLANIED is a Digital competence framework implemented by the Ministry of education in 2015. Its objectives are to integrate the educational community into the digital cultural through practices that encourage pedagogical innovation; to promote educational quality with equal opportunities and possibilities; and to promote socio-educational inclusion giving priority to underprivileged sectors. 
It aims to promote digital literacy in every school, and for that purpose, it proposes six dimensions needed for a person to be considered digitally competent:

  • Creativity and innovation: Padlet allows the users to choose different  templates, designs and types of media by adding text, images, videos, recordings, etc.

  • Communication and collaboration: Students are able to work collaboratively at the same time.

  •  Information and representation: Padlet allows students to analyze and organize the information in the best way possible.

  • Joint liability: The learners are responsible for the information they will choose to publish on their Padlet wall. All the members of the group can add information, edit it, and save the work.

  • Critical thinking: students will have to do some research about their favorite famous people, think critically to decide what they will include and how they will organize the information.

  • Autonomous use of ICT: Students become autonomous as they will have to conduct research on their own, look for specific information and organize it.

The TRIPLE E theoretical framework can also be observed in this lesson. It was developed by Liz Kolb. It comprises three components that the use of technology in the classroom should include, which are:

  • Engagement: The use of Padlet engages students since they are using technology in the school context. While students gather information and create their presentation they are creating new content, putting into practice the English language, while using it as a means for communication, and making use of an online tool. Learners have an active role in the learning process since they can share their ideas and are in charge of selecting the material that they are going to use.

  • Enhancement: Students are able to draw a connection and interact with written text, images, and videos at the same time. Padlet allows students to make clear connections and show their understanding of the content since they need to select the right information and produce something new in the target language. This tool is appealing for students since they are able to work with images, text, videos, and different templates and designs. 

  • Extension: Padlet allows students to share their wall with their classmates and the teacher but also with people from outside the classroom so the school community has access to it. It can be shared with people from around the world, as well, which enriches the intercultural development. This tool can be used in real life, for another subject, to make summaries and study, or even for a future job. 

Padlet Tutorial:


Padlet tutorial

What is Padlet?

Padlet is an online bulletin board that allows the students and teachers to work together. There are different options from maps to timelines. It is useful for gathering and sharing ideas in a creative way.

Benefits: This website is excellent for collaborative work. It encourages students' interaction. You can post images, links, Youtube videos, files, record audio.
Many teachers agree that Padlet is a very useful, engaging, interesting online tool, here there are some comments from them:

"It's beyond easy to use, the customizable interface is intuitive, and help is available around every corner." (2018, November)

"The versatility of Padlet presents kids with opportunities to share content and knowledge in ways most comfortable for them."(2018, November)

"Padlet is one of the more intuitive and appealing for kids. Colorful backgrounds and customization options let students add personality to walls, and opportunities to engage with others through voting and comments will pique their interest." (2018, November)


1- In order to start using Padlet, is not necessary for you to sign up if you just want to comment. But if you want to have your own wall and publish you need to sign up. You can use your google account or another mail account.

2- Click on the option "Make", you will be lead to a new page where you can find a lot of different templates to choose from. You select the one that you want to use.

3- You are allowed to change the title and add a description. 

4- You can choose the wallpaper that you want. You click on photos and there you will be presented with many options. You can also change the colors, font.

5- In order to be able to write you just need to click on the wall. 

You can also add photos, links, files, record audio, videos.

7- In the section of comments if you want people to be allowed to leave comments on your posts you should activate it. 

8- You can choose whether other people can only read, write, or edit your posts.

9- Privacy. You can choose if you want your wall to be public or private (only the creator can see it) You can either choose a password or secret key. Only the person who has the password or the URL  that was created with the secret key can be able to see the Padlet. You can copy the link or share it through email.

10- Padlet allows you to share your presentation via email, on social media, google classroom. You are also allowed to copy the link and share it with whoever you want.

11- Padlet allows you to export your presentation in different formats such as an image,  pdf file. You can also print it.


sábado, 5 de septiembre de 2020

Internet Based Project and Webquests

 Internet Based Projects

Reasons to work with Internet based projects

○ They are structured in a way for teachers to begin to incorporate the internet into the language classroom.

○ Encourage cooperative learning since it stimulates interaction.

○ Encourage crtical thinking skills

○ Wide range of possibilities from making posters to a high - level investigation work.

○ Teacher or learner made

Steps to follow 

○ Choose the project topic

○ Make the task clear

○ Find the resources

○ Decide the outcome


What is a webquest?

Webquests are mini-projects and inquiry-oriented activities in which a large percentage of input and material is supplied from the internet.
The teacher recommends and prorvides different websites so that the students can get the majority of the information from the internet

There are two types of webquests:

Short term webquest:

• Involve one or two lessons.

• Students don't make any kind of product.

• Students will grappled a significant amount of information and make senseof ti

Long term webquest:

Students will analyse a body of knowledge,transform it and create a new product,such as a report, presentation, interview.

Step 1- Introduction: ○ Provide background information related to the topic

                                  ○ Introduce key vocabulary, concepts

Setp 2- Task: ○ Explain to the students what they have to do.

                      ○ Clear instructions

                      ○ Tell the students what the final product will be 

Step 3- Process: ○ Guide students throguh activities andresearch tasks

                            ○ Use predefined resources

Step 4- Evaluation: ○ May involve self- evaluation, comparing and contrasting with other students.

                                ○ Give feedback in what they feel they have learnt 

                                ○ Rubrics

                                ○Self- assessment   

Creation of webquests

In order to create a webquest is necessary to have developed certain skills such as, research,critical eye, being able to use word processing.

My webquest

Here is my webquest on "Recycling"


○ Dudeney & Hockley (2007) How to Teach English with Technology